Diary and Log

In addition to our weekly tutorials, we held a total of three recording sessions. Two of these were all day 9am-5pm, and the third, in which we shot the music video as well, lasted from 5pm-12am. In between these three recording sessions we were able to listen back to the material we had gathered, which enabled us to figure out what parts or songs were lacking, and where we though we would benefit from re-recording part of it. This was especially important for the track ‘Six Inches’

15th February – Made a post on the Lincolnshire Musicians Network asking for bands to send demo material. The Suspicious Pigeons were one of the first bands to message us, we liked their material and said we would get back to them after discussing with our tutor.

17th February – After shortlisting three possible bands we asked Lee for advice and discussed the pros and cons of each. Shortly after this consultation we were able to decide on The Suspicious Pigeons.

19th Febraury – We contacted the band and expressed our interest in them and got them to provide dates they were able to record.

24th February – After communicating the band and finding free time in the studio we were able to book three recording slots as follows:

10th March – Initial recording session which formed part of our pre-production session after talks with our tutor Lee.

15th March – Max as the executive producer met with second year Media student Harry to discuss plans for recording the music video. We had previously discussed with the band which song they would like to appear on the music video, and it was decided that ‘Money’ as the lead single and one that has previously been played both on SirenFM and BBC Introducing that that was the one they should focus on.

17th March – Second recording session where we were able to record the foundations of the E.P. and begin building up the tracks.

25th March – Final recording session in which we shot the music video first, and then continued tracking on top of what we had recorded.

Following this we broke for Easter and completed other assignments, after easter we started mixing using Logic Pro X.

Mixing was an ongoing process throughout the last two weeks as we kept in contact with the band and made regular revisions until they were happy with the overall sound of the E.P.

The recording of the music video was a new and exciting experience, and it also proved a challenge, we needed to make sure that what The Suspicious Pigeons were playing in the studio matched the track on the E.P. We completed a rough mix of ‘Money’ to use as the baseline, and were able to play it back in the studio using a Bass amp connected through a D.I. box. It wasn’t the best but it was making the best of what we had, and the music video reflects this. Both the music video and EPK were kept black and white in keeping with the ‘branding’ of the band, whose logo and social media is black and white. They expressed this desire to keep continuity within the video and EPK as it would emphasise their band’s brand recognition.

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